Entering a New Age
Welcome to a new learning universe, one where YOU are in charge of your learning.
Just like the impending future of work, you will have to collaborate, communicate, and solve complex problems.
Leave behind traditional education and relying on instructors for knowledge. The future is about skills, and skill development is way tougher.
Choose Your Experience
At Qwasar, we offer both a full-time intensive or a part-time program to complete the masters degree. Based on your weekly availability and commitment level, you should choose the program that best suits you. The remote nature of our programs allows for flexibility in completing your masters degree from anywhere.
Full-time Intensive
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13 months
Monday – Friday meetings
Students should expect to work 40-50 hours per week at minimum.
Part-time For the Working Professional
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24 months
Tuesday evening/Saturday meetings
Students should expect to work 15-20 hours per week, including program meetings.
Join a specific cohort Virtual meetings, events, and synchronous learning sessions Projects and coding assignments completed when works best for you Learn in a community 100% hands-on learning Accountability & motivation
Welcome to a New, Modern Learning Universe
Qwasar’s model is based on active learning, meaning you will spend WAY more time coding than sitting in lectures or presentations. Our program is designed to spend 85% of your time coding, and about 15% of your time in ‘knowledge-transmission’ sessions where one individual is imparting knowledge, often in the form of a lecture or presentation. We do this for 2 reasons: first, our focus is on gaining skills for being on the job as an engineer, and second, active learning has been scientifically proven to be more effective than passive, lecture-based learning. 
Technical Skill Development
You should expect to develop a breadth and depth of technical skills that relate to your program’s area of expertise. Additionally, you will cover the fundamental concepts of software engineering on which all software is built.
Technical skills are not just about the languages that you know; it’s also about using industry-standard tools and frameworks, as well as having a foundational understanding of data structures, databases, algorithms, software architecture, and code quality.
Silicon Valley demands a high level of technical knowledge and technical skills. Everything about our programs is designed to help you develop and retain this knowledge and skill set.
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Structured Problem Solving
Perhaps one of the most important skills that you’ll learn and develop is structured problem solving. This includes:
How to identify exactly what your problem is or is not
Breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable chunks
Identifying all possible sources of your problem, then prioritizing
Methodically testing and eliminating problem sources
Great engineers are great problem solvers because they succeed in structuring and managing problems well. Such challenges are naturally part of the Qwasar curriculum and programs.
Engineering Labs After the first few courses, students will stop Live Coding Sessions and instead join an Engineering Lab. These are virtual, subject-based labs focused on hands-on projects built in groups. Projects offer an opportunity to explore the subject area while learning to collaborate with other students. Both projects and the labs themselves are great items to put on the resume!
Qwasar’s Engineering Labs are virtual, subject-focused labs where students work in pairs or groups to build a software project.

Projects will last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the size and difficulty of the project. These are great opportunities to put projects and the Labs on your resume, and to explore some of today’s emerging technologies and subjects.
Labs are also opportunities for students to pursue areas they’re passionate about, or areas in which they lack experience and want to gain more exposure.
Our blockchain lab will focus on applications of blockchain to solve problems, or rebuild similar but different solutions to what already exists in this space.
Computer Vision
Our Computer Vision Lab focuses on different applications of computer vision. This could include autopilot, supply chain, facial recognition, and much more. 
Distributed Computing
Our Distributed Computer Lab offers an opportunity to learn about and build software on that’s distributed.
Our IoT Lab will focus on combining hardware and software, touching on embedded engineering and more low-level programming. 
Program Meetings
Earn project or experience points for each project successfully completed.
Daily standup
Standups are held every morning to kick off the day with the cohort. This gives students an opportunity to share any progress and blockers on their projects. Everyone participates and shares status updates with one another and has an opportunity to get support from peers.
coding collaboration
Students of all levels are divided into small groups to work on a timed challenge for a unique task. By working together, each group can leverage the collective skills of one another and make a network within the cohort.